Churches in Pantelleria
small Pantelleria churches have been built over the centuries by the Pantelleria community, shaping its appearance and structure according to the traditional architectural canons of the dammúso. The central nave usually has a barrel covering of a diameter not exceeding 4-5 mt, while the aisles and the apse have vaulted roofs. The side altars reflect the structure of the alcoves of the houses. The churchyard is the traditional
passiatúri surrounded by
dukkéna. Finally, the outer covering of the lateral arches forms a crenellated shave, which is used to drain water, but also to distinguish the church from the dammúso and the bell tower is never high.
Below there is a list of the churches within the Park area:
- Church delle Grazie, district Grázia, built in 1793;
- Church of St. Maria del Rosario, district Sibá, building year unknown (already existing in 1822);
- Church of St. Michele Arcangelo, district Bukkurám, rebuilt and ended in 1966;
- Church of St. Chiara, district Bugéber, built in 1570;
- Church of St. Antonio, district Muéggen, rebuilt in 1796:
- Church of St. Vincenzo Ferreri, district Khattibuáli, building year unknown;
- Church of St. Giuseppe, district Rekháli, building year unknown (maybe during the 1960s-1970s).
Typical rural church in Pantelleria
(photo by Mauro Silvia)