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Granfondo Parco di Pantelleria

Test of the Coppa Sicilia Granfondo circuit, Federazione Ciclistica. 14 July 2019

By bike         Great Interest: Panorama 
  • Departure: Lago di Venere (Pantelleria)
  • Arrival: Lago di Venere (Pantelleria)
  • Length: 45 km
  • Difference in height: 1,500m
  • Involved Municipalities: Pantelleria

The location of Lake Venus, with all its magnificent charm, serenity and enviable splendour will host Bikers and partners (the latter will take advantage of the lake and all its natural joys, in complete autonomy). The Start is strategic, playing with the imagination of the Biker who guesses the scenario that they will find: it will be tough but it will be worth it!
In the Bugeber direction, there will be a springboard, on an asphalt climb of about 2 km., where the fittest athletes will give their maximum and stretch the torpedo, between the sinuous curves, which metaphorically will take on the appearance of a long snake, up to near the church of St. Chiara of Bugeber.
It's time to put the biker in the "wild" reality: the first dirt on a rough climb, the name of the road is via Farina but commonly known as the ascent to Tikirriki, but it does not end there because we will continue to climb in the direction of Randazzo, and still towards Montagna Grande passing between the paths of cuddia mida, 15 endless kilometers to reach the highest peak of the island. The natural scenery, the trails, the exciting views, fully repay the fatigue of the cyclist.

Granfondo Parco di Pantelleria
Granfondo Parco di Pantelleria
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)

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It's time for adrenaline, the biker doesn't wait for anything else!
You will descend from Montagna Grande towards Benikulà and from there towards the Valle di Monastero which accompanies the biker towards the area most exposed to the sun, in a continuous up and down between Cuddia Attalora and Barone. But the effort is not over! Then go up from Mueggen towards Randazzo.
At the end of the climb the panorama is breathtaking, an enchanting view of Lago di Venere will give the feeling of having reached the finish line, but actually it will not be. The path of via Balate that leads back to Bugeber is already quite technical because of the irregular bottom made of stone slabs, and from now the biker, after the interminable effort, will find himself in the most technical part of the route, the Roman Path, which it crosses the locality Kafaro and reaches Cala 5 denti.
A short quick stretch of asphalt and take the paving stones of via Gattara, 50% ascent, 50% descent, the technical part is completed by the steps that descend on Lago Venere, where the arrival arch is positioned!

Link to the association's website: www.pantelleriaoutdoor.it

Granfondo Parco di Pantelleria
Granfondo Parco di Pantelleria
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
Granfondo Parco di Pantelleria
Granfondo Parco di Pantelleria
(photo by Parco Nazionale Isola di Pantelleria)
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